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Get to Know Our History

The history of P.C.E.A Dr. Arthur Parish begun in 1937 when Mr Wallace  Wamagata and Mr Nehemiah Wachira met in Nakuru town and agreed to search  for a place where they would be holding prayers in the town. Mr Wamagata was  from P.C.E.A Thogoto while Mr Wachira was from P.C.E.A Nyeri.


They identified  people who had come from Kiambu and Nyeri so that they could join together  and start holding prayers on Sundays at Mr Wamagata´s home. They started  baptism classes in 19th December 1937. By then they called the church P.C.E.A  Nakuru Town. In the same year 1937, the worshippers requested the then  moderator of Elburgon Kirk session, Rev. Josiah Kang´ethe to come and officially  open a place to worship in Nakuru Town, in which he did

As the time went by, the worshippers increased and they were forced to talk with  the Anglican Church (CMS) brethren’s to allow them to use their hall in the  afternoon hours only. 

 After two years they got another place of worship in Kambi Somali where they  relocated and worshipped there for seven years. 

 The number of membership continued to increase and they shifted again  to Bondeni Primary School where they were given a classroom to worship  in. They continued with baptismal classes.


The first brethren to be  confirmed was the late Elder Jason Wang´ombe. On 12th December 1946,  a sub-committee of Kirk session of 12 Elders from Subukia and Elburgon,  met in Nakuru under Rev. Ishmael Wango´s chairmanship to discuss the  creation and appointment of Rift Valley Presbytery.


Kirk session proposed  that a land be searched for building a church and be used as Rift Valley  Presbytery Headquarters. In 1948, Rev. Phillip was posted in Nakuru  being the first Reverend in Nakuru. During this time the church got its land.  In 1953, the Church moved from Bondeni Primary School to Menengai Social Hall and Rev. John Kihenjo was ordained as a Priest. 


On 5th December 1954, Rev Dougal the Secretary General of P.C.E.A was  brought in Nakuru after proposal of the Moderator The Rt. Rev. Dr.  Calderwood. Moderator of the Presbytery, Rev Phillip planted a tree on the  church ground as a sign of commemoration. They were together with the  Presbytery members, Rev John Kihenjo (Parish Minister), Justus Kuria,  Hiram Mundia and Rev Edward N. Njoroge from Subukia.


 In 1957 the Construction of the old church was started under the  leadership of Rev. John Kihenjo, Mr Gilbert Thuo, Mr Fredrick N. Ndoro,  Mr Wallace Wamagata, Mr Jason Wangombe and Mr Benjamin among  others

The laying of the stone was done by Rt. Rev. R. MACPHERSON Moderator  of P.C.E.A General Assembly in 19th April 1959 and the church was officially  named Rev. Dr. J.W. Arthur Memorial Church in commemoration of Rev. Dr.  Arthur, the first missionary to Thogoto from Scotland.

By then Rev. Dr. Arthur Memorial Church was under P.C.E.A Nakuru Parish in  the Rift Valley Presbytery. 

 Many brethren’s volunteered in church building without payment. They included  masonries like Mr. David Manga and Mr. Benjamin Kingori who used to assist in  building the church after their working duties. 

 Many Europeans like Mr. Seya and Mr. Peter Erickson, assisted in laying  building stones, sand and even paying for transportation of other building  materials. Ladies also participated in the church building.


They included the  pioneers of Woman´s Guild, like Elizabeth, Florence Maringa, Teresia Wangéra,  Milkah Wamagata, Phillis Zakaria, Elizabeth Wakaridi, Esther Ngonyo, Elizabeth  Njeri, Rakeri Musa, Janet Wamaitha, Lydia Wanjiru and Margaret Wambui among others.

The number of brethren’s increased and they fellowshipped together in the Love  of Jesus Christ. Later, an idea of building the Minister´s house came up. Rev.  John Kihenjo who was living in Elburgon supervised the process which took  place between the year 1961-1962. The Minister moved to the house after its  completion. 

 After a while, Rev. Kihenjo was transferred and Rev. E.N.S. Njoroge came and  served for two years. He was transferred and replaced by Rev. Timothy Ngumba.  During this period, some Elders were elected to assist in serving The Lord. They  included Mr. Peter Karanja Kagia, Mr Benjamin Kingori, Paul and Mr. David  Mariga


In June 1977, this Parish was subdivided into three Parishes i.e.
       P.C.E.A Nakuru Parish

       P.C.E.A Njoro Parish

       P.C.E.A Gilgil Parish

 In 1978, Nakuru Parish was subdivided again into new Parishes;
       P.C.E.A Nakuru West

       P.C.E.A Bahati

       P.C.E.A Dundori

       P.C.E.A Dr. Arthur

 In 1988, the construction of the new church was started under Rev. John
 In 1989 the moderator of General Assembly of P.C.E.A Rt. Rev. George E.
Wanjau laid the foundation stone.
 In 1998 the New Rev. Dr. J. W. Arthur Memorial Church was dedicated by
Rt. Rev. Dr. Jesse M. Kamau, Moderator of General Assembly of P.C.E.A on
th July 1998.

In 4th May 2003, P.C.E.A Dr Arthur Parish was sub divided into two, Dr
Arthur Parish and Crater Parish respectively which was done by The Rt.
Rev. Dr. David M. Githii Moderator of the 17th General Assembly.

 In 2021, Dr. Arthur was subdivided again;
P.C.E.A Dr. Arthur Parish
P.C.E.A Bethsaida Parish
 Dr. Arthur Parish has two Congregations
P.C.E.A Dr. Arthur
P.C.E.A Macedonia

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